Misura's video with Dr. Andrea Del Seppia
Nutritionist Dr. Andrea Del Seppia, takes us into the world of different types and refinements of flour. Which to choose and why?
To understand how to choose the flours it is important to understand how a cereal is made: the grains of wheat, oats, barley and rye - to name a few - are called caryopsis. The caryopsis is formed by three main parts: the endosperm, that is the innermost area rich in starch, the bran, that is the external coating, and the so-called germ, that is the embryo that will give rise to a new plant.
Bran and germ are the most precious parts since they contain fiber, proteins, essential micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins and also some germ of unsaturated fats are present in the germ.
To obtain the flours, the grains of the cereals are subjected to a process of grinding and sieving which, in the case of the 00 flour (so-called "refined", that is the most sieved) eliminates fiber residues.
Wholemeal flour, on the other hand, is not sieved and retains all the parts of the ground grain, thus preserving the germ and the external covering of the grain: consequently the wholemeal flour is better because it guarantees the contribution of the micronutrients mentioned, in addition to being more satiating thanks to the fiber content, which also guarantees better starch management.
It is important that a baked product (bread or alternatives such as crackers) is made with real whole wheat flour and not with 00 flour with the addition of a bit of bran.
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